The color blue is one of the most abundant colors in our world, from the wide open skies to the vastness of the open seas. The Blue exhibition encompasses photographs from a wide range of subjects focusing on the hue of blue. From straight forward approaches to the tints, tones and shades of the brilliant color to the psychological implications of the emotion of blue. Blue can be seen as calming to the state of mind, or blue can be interpreted as a blue mood. The photographs in the Blue exhibition features various approaches to the concept and color of blue.


Shari Ameling

Exhibiting Artists:

Shari Ameling,

Jason Blair,

Vanessa Brici,

Hsien-Chih Chuang,

Daniel Daniloff,

Amy Davis,

Richard Dickson,

John Diephouse,

Brian Edwards,

Em Elise,

Ashley Gonzalez,

Jerry Harrison,

Bonnie Johnson,

Lance Larson,

Renee Lynn,

Michael Nowotny,

Diane O'Donnell,

John Pemberton,

John Potter,

Susan Richman,

Linda Robinson,

Les Schmidt,

Jim Spizzo,

Jason Tannen,

Elizabeth Thomas,

Thomas VanderMeulen.

Jason Blair

Vanessa Brici

Hsien-Chih Chuang

Daniel Daniloff

Amy Davis

Richard Dickson

John Diephouse

Brian Edwards

Jerry Harrison

Bonnie Johnson

Renee Lynn

Michael Nowotny

Diane O'Donnell

John Pemberton

John Potter

Susan Richman

Les Schmidt

Jim Spizzo

Elizabeth Thomas

Thomas VanderMeulen

Jason Tannen

Linda Robinson

Em Elise

Lance Larson

Ashley Gonzalez